EXODUS 19:5-6; I PETER 2:9
A. God is in search of relationships with people.
B. The drama of human beginnings would be staged against this backdrop of a God determined to establish
a missional partnership with part of humanity in order to establish a relationship with all creatures bearing
divine image.
A. God established a partnership with Israel in His redemptive mission.
B. God designated them as "Kingdom of Priests" , Genesis 41:45; 47:23,26.
C, This covenant carries with its testings and privileges.
1. Intimacy with the Almighty.
2. Heightened sense of accountability.
3. Complete reliance on God.
4. Severe testings.
D. Israel violated the Law (Covenant Agreement)
E. Purpose of the Law (Od Covenant)
1. To set apart Israel from their pagan neighbors.
2. It was not a "means of salvation" but "terms of the agreement of loyalty" that Israel had with God.
3. To lead us to Christ. Galatians 3:24.
Relationship of Christian to the Old Testament Law
1. O.T. law is a covenant-binding contracts between God and Israel.
2. Old Covenant is not our covenant. None of its stipulations are binding on us unless they are renewed in
the New Testament.
3.Two kindsa of Old covenant laws is renewed in the New coventant:
1. Israelite civil laws
2. Isrtaelite ritual laws.
4. Part of the Old covenant is renewed in the New coventant
O.T, Ethical laws - Love the LORD... love your neighbor.
5. All of the O.T. law is still the Word of God to us.
Israel's story helps us to understand our story.
6. Only that which is exlicitly renewed from the O.T. law can be considered part of the N.T. "law of Christ",
Galatians 6:2; Ten Commandments - Matthew 5:21-37; 2 Great Commandments from Deut. 6:5 and
Leviticus 19:18.
The Law shows us how impossible to please God on our own, Romans 3:20; Hebrews 11:6
The Law shows us how unworthy we are to belong to God.
- we need to be humbled to appreciate God's gift of salvation.
-we ought o praise and thank God for providing a way for us to be accepted in His sight apart from humanly
fulfilling the O.T. law. For otherwise we would have no hope of all in pleasing Him. Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5; Romans 8:1
It is for our own sin that He died,,, Unless we confron and confess our sins, humbly come to Jesus, we will not be healed.