Saturday, January 7, 2012


" In the beginning God created the heaven and earth" GENESIS 1:1. (KJV)
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork" Psalm 19:1.(KJV)

A. The Existence of God
1. It is intuitive, Romans 1:19-21; 2:14-16; John 1:9.
2. It is assumed by the Scriptures.
3. It is corraborated by Arguments
a. Cosmological
b. Teleological
c. Moral

B. What is God like?
1. Omnipotent, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Immutalable.
2. Personal Being.
3. Perfect embodiment at the highest qualities.
4. Know the future consequences of every action in the universe.
5. Existed eternally; Self-existent.
6. Able to creat everything out of nothing.
7. Perfectly good and just.

He is beyond our comprehension..
He gave us revelation of Himself through His Word.

C. The purpose behind knowing these facts about God is to secure moral actions.

A. Knowing is in order to believing. Hebrews 11:6
B. Believing is to have a personal relationship with God, John 1:12,13.

II. WALK WITH GOD, Colossians 2:6
A. Action
B. Progress
C. Habit

A. The Bible is devoted to persuade people to alter their ways and bring their lives into harmony
with the will of God.
B. Theological truth is useless until it is obeyed.
C. We must believed and put what we believe into moral action.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


" But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" Matthew 6:33

A. If God is Supreme good - the highest blessedness is to know Him more.
Philippians 3:7-15; 20, 21.

B. Matthew 11:28-39 , "Learn of Me."
2 Peter 3:18, "Grow"
2 Cor. 3:18 "Holy Spirit's work"

C. Best R$esolve = to Know Him more! How?

I. FOCUS ON GOD. Think of God

A. Is there a God?

The Bible declares, Genesis 1:1; Psalm 14:1.

B. Who is this God? What is He like? John 1:18.

C. What are His desires?
Deuteronomy 6:4,5; 10:12; 30:15,16,19,20; Micah 6:8; Mathew 6:33.


A. Establish a relationship with Him, John 1:12, 13.

B. Experience God intimately.

1. Having a passion for God, Phil, 3:8

Desire Him more that what He gives!

2. Walk with God

Learn to hear from God; Pray, Read your Bible.

Obey, Be God-centered

God created and saved you and me for relatioship with Himself; therefore the primary
purpose of life is to know God intimately by experience.


A. Pray and learn about your Kingdom-purpose.

1. Kingdom assignment?

2. God ordained that we experience Him based on whether or not we are fulfilling His purpose.

B. Have a Biblical Mind-set

1. Your mind-set/attitude radically impacts whether or not you experience joy in your walk with

2. Dominant thoughts? materialism! Worry.

* When we learn to think and do what God instructs un His Word, we will find a growing depth of intimacy with God.

* Let's train our mind to think Biblically and discipline our atitudes according to the mind of Christ. Philippians 2:5-11; 4: